
Schedules / Results

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Pool Schedules - {{event.selectedBracket.bracket_name}}

Pool {{pool.poolLetter}}

Game # Time Field Match Up Score
{{(schedule.GameNumber) | absolute}} {{schedule.the_datetime | date: 'EEE MMM d, y'}} {{schedule.the_datetime | date: 'shortTime'}} {{schedule.fieldName}} [{{schedule.winningTeamState}}] {{schedule.WinningTeamName}} VS. [{{schedule.LosingTeamState}}] {{schedule.LosingTeamName}} [{{schedule.winningTeamState}}] {{schedule.WinningTeamName}} VS. [{{schedule.LosingTeamState}}] {{schedule.LosingTeamName}} {{schedule.WinnersScore}}-{{schedule.LosersScore}} No Score Forfeit Coin Toss Tie ({{schedule.WinnersScore}}-{{schedule.LosersScore}}) {{schedule.WinnersScore}} - n/a (game only counts for winner) n/a - {{schedule.LosersScore}} (game only counts for loser)

Pool Standings

Pool Pool
Team Name Record Win
Did Tied
Teams Play
Record vs.
Tied Teams
Win Pct vs.
Tied Teams
Avg Points Runs
Avg Points Runs Diff
with Max (20) (8)
Ranking Points Prior
To Start Date
POOL - {{pool.poolLetter}}
{{p.pool_letter}} {{p.pool_place}} [{{p.TeamState}}] {{p.teamname}} [{{p.TeamState}}] {{p.teamname}} {{p.pool_wins}}-{{p.pool_loses}}-{{p.pool_ties}} {{p.pool_win_pct}} YES N/A {{p.tt_wins}}-{{p.tt_loses}}-{{p.tt_ties}} {{p.tt_win_pct}} {{p.pool_avg_points_allowed | number:2 | nozero}} {{p.pool_avg_point_diff_with_maximum | number:2 | nozero}} {{p.pool_usssa_points}}
Seed Pool Pool
Team Name Record Win
Avg Points Runs
Avg Points Runs Diff
with Max (20) (8)
Ranking Points Prior
To Start Date
{{p.seed}} {{p.pool_letter}} {{p.pool_place}} [{{p.TeamState}}] {{p.teamname}} [{{p.TeamState}}] {{p.teamname}} {{p.pool_wins}}-{{p.pool_loses}}-{{p.pool_ties}} {{p.pool_win_pct}} {{p.pool_avg_points_allowed | number:2 | nozero}} {{p.pool_avg_point_diff_with_maximum | number:2 | nozero}} {{p.pool_usssa_points}}

Pool Standings Sorted on the following:

  1. Winning Percentage - Descending
  2. Number Wins - Descending
  3. Number Loses - Ascending
  4. Tied Teams (vs. each other) Winning Pct - Descending (Not valid if all tied teams have not played each other)
  5. Avg Points Allowed - Ascending
  6. Avg Run Differential with a maximum of ({{newPoolSchedule.MaxRunDiffForClass}}) - Descending
  7. Avg Points Differential with a maximum of ({{newPoolSchedule.MaxRunDiffForClass}}) - Descending
  8. Ranking Points - Descending
  9. Date Team Entered USSSA Database
Once past a tie breaker do not return to previous

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